I'm pretty sure I say this every year, but I CAN'T believe our baby is FOUR now! Gigi and Grandpa were able to join us for a nice birthday weekend. Adi had a great time celebrating with everyone! She had a Tangled (Rapunzel) party at one of her favorite people's bakery. Man alive are we sure blessed to be this sweet little things parents!!!
When she is excited to tell us something she says, "I tell ya, tell ya, tell ya..."
She asks me when she'll be old enough to babysit Abe (she LOVES being in charge of him).
She still loves her "nane" (but only uses it at night).
She loves to sing to Abe before bed and he loves it too!
She's getting very interested in reading (just starting to put sounds together).
She's so into art projects. She would do them all day long if I let her (painting, coloring, gluing, cutting, and more).
This sweet thing is witty, full of energy, loves to talk, is sweet to others, and we are PROUD to call her our daughter!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago