Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Sunday, October 30, 2011


We really wanted to try one overnight camping trip before it gets too cold, but with Abe's congestion problems at night we decided against it. Brandon decided he would set up the pop-up in the driveway and take Adi camping anyway. Let me tell you how excited this little girl has been for her camping trip. She even told the guy at the hardware store a couple days ago that she was going camping with her daddy!!! I was pretty sure she wouldn't make it much past 10 o'clock, but I knew they would have a blast. Brandon walked in the front door at about 9:30 with her last night. I think they both had a great time.

Eating dinner in the camper

She even used her canteen like a real wilderness girl

Abram and I just made a couple visits to the campsite (mainly to bring food:)

They even went fishing

We talked about why you go fishing when you camp. I told her it was to eat them for dinner. She was pretty adamant that she eat some fish. This was as close as she got to the real thing.

Even though I had planned a couple little activities for them to do while in the camper, jumping on the beds was by far her favorite!

Trying to get ready for bed - haha!

We hope to share a lot of special memories in here in the near future. I'm hoping for some great camping trips come Spring!

Friday, October 28, 2011


We had a great time going trick-or-treating in town tonight. Our cute little town closed the streets and the business' and town hall gave out candy. There were a lot of people there and it was just a great event. We will definitely be doing this again next year!

My little duck and bear!

She was totally wound up!

Adi and daddy

Abram slept through it all!

Here's one of the little bear with his eyes open!

Ben and Olivia looked adorable! We might need to borrow those next year.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine

This poor little guy is SO SNOTTY in the morning and he still gives me the best smiles! I am looking forward to going to his 2 month check up so I can find out what is going on with he congestion.

Look at this beautiful bed head!

These two both enjoyed pretending to nap together.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

All Smiles

I've been pretty sure that Abram has been purposefully smiling for the last week or so, but I've been waiting to post before I was sure. He is such a sweet and happy baby. He seems to smile an awful lot on the changing table. What more could a baby ask for a, a full tummy and and dry diaper! These sweet little smiles just melt my heart!!!

This last one is of Adi singing "Twinkle, Twinkle" to him.

Friday, October 14, 2011

GREAT day!

A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken ... A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
—Proverbs 15:13; 17:22

My WONDERFUL husband surprised me with a half day and beautiful flowers. I am so blessed to have such a thoughtful and loving husband.

Also, both kids napped at the same time. :) I think we have another tummy sleeper (so happy I have discovered this before he was 4 months old).

Oh yes, a happy heart is good medicine!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Getting into a "new" groove

Here at the Haight home we are finally ready to try to get into a bit of a routine and start figuring things out with the four of us. Grammy left on Tuesday - THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your help while you were here. Brandon got back from Japan this past weekend and I finally feel like we can start getting into a bit of a "new" routine. Things are definitely a bit crazier with two little ones. Brandon spent an hour getting Adi down last night, while I tried getting Mr. Abe calmed down. After a couple hours of chaos last night Brandon and I were able to spend about 45 minutes alone just trying to relax a bit. These times are exhausting, but wonderfully amazing at the same time. We can't even put into words how blessed we feel to have two healthy and beautiful children! These two little ones are so much fun!!! Here is a bit of our week!

This little man gets bigger everyday! He's definitely growing more quickly then Adi did!

My two favorite boys!!!

Brandon was so excited to be home and tried to soak up every minute this weekend playing with Adi and holding Abe. The jet lag snuck in every once in awhile. Adi didn't seems to mind, she just kept playing even when he couldn't keep is eyes open any longer.

So, I thought it would be fun if we carved Adi's pumpkin with daddy. I should have known that my little darling that needs a napkin with her fruit snack wouldn't come close to touching the guts of the pumpkin. We tried to get her to help, but needless to say, daddy did all the carving and gutting.

"You want me to put my hand in there?"

"Psych - get a life - I'm not touching any part of that pumpkin!"

She was a great little director though!

Adi is trying so hard to be a good sharer - lucky Aber! He wasn't quite sure what to do with all these guys!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

1 Month Old Today!

1 month stats:

Height - 22.5 (ish) inches
Weight - 10 lbs 1 oz
Head Circumference - ?

Showing you his muscles!

I can't believe our sweet little Abram is one month old today. He is such a good little guy. The nursing is going great. This man is quite the eater!!! I am feeding him every two hours during the day and between 6-8 he would eat every 30 minutes if I let him. I am trying to pump out my excess in the morning for his "hungry" time, but if I find that I can't keep up we might have to start supplementing him with formula before bed. Another thing I will mention is his ability to poop (a lot). I don't think I knew that babies could poop as much as this little guy does. It is virtually impossible to keep him in a clean diaper. He has such a calm and sweet demeanor. He loves to snuggle, and for the most part really seems to just go with the flow.

Sleep - Abram is such a good little sleeper (Praise God)! I am waking up twice through the night and he typically does a great job eating and getting snuggled up to go back to sleep pretty quickly. He is sleeping in the "pink bassinet thing". My friend Kim gave me this to use and he wasn't real fond of it at the beginning, but he is liking it now. Two nights ago he went all night without being in the swing. I decided I needed to nip that in the bud early on so he didn't get used to swinging all night. I am hoping like Kim's baby; that he transitions pretty easily from the bassinet thing to the crib in the next month or so. He is still so congested through the night that I want to keep him propped up until this goes away. I thought he got a bit of a viral thing two weeks ago, but he is still snotty and his eyes are a bit watery, so I am thinking this little man might have a bit of allergies. The farmers are all cutting the corn right now and I am pretty itchy as well. We'll see how he is doing in the next month or so.

Milestone - He is doing a great job following toys and voices. He is lifting is head for a short period of time when on his tummy. He is just starting to make some different noises other then crying. I think the cooing will be starting very soon.

Firsts - Trip to the zoo, cold, trip to the pumpkin patch

He's giving a little wave from the zoo.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Growing, growing, growing

This little man is getting bigger by the day!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We had a great fall day at the pumpkin patch this morning. Grandma and Grandpa took Adi on a hay ride and played all kinds of little games with her while Abe and I snuggled inside. Adi did a great job picking out her and Abe's pumpkin. We also bought some yummy baked goods, local apples, and pears. The mums were beautiful and I bought two big yellow ones to plant next to the mail box. Hope you're all enjoying this fall weather (sorry AZ folks - hope it cools off for you soon).