Saturday, June 26, 2010

Aunt Kiki Visits

We have been having a fun weekend with Aunt Kiki in from Denver. We are hogging her all to our self since she doesn't get to see Adi very often. We really do miss daddy and are so happy he is feeling better over in Japan. We have been shopping, swimming, and eating some great food.

Brandon went to a hydrangea festival with his entire team. Sounds like they had a great day seeing a beautiful side of the island that he usually doesn't visit. We miss him very much and cant wait to see him on Friday!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

HAPPPY Father's Day

First, I just want to wish Brandon a very Happy Father's Day. It has got to be hard missing your first one. Adi and I will be thinking about you today. You truly are a WONDERFUL father. It is written all over Adi's face the minute you walk in from work. Her little face just lights up and she immeditely starts fussing until her daddy picks her up and gives her a big kiss. Even though she can't say it, she LOVES YOU SO MUCH. We hope you have a good time in Japan and we'll see you in a couple weeks.
Second, just wanted to wish my dad and Ken a very Happy Father's Day too. Dad, I'm happy you are able to spend some time with our little Roo while Bran is away. Ken, we are really looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple weeks for Adi's big day!
"Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad." - Proverb
"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." - Billy Graham

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I am so EXCITED for my tomatoes to be ripe and ready for picking! My 24 plants should produce enough tom-toms for me to can enough of them to get us through the winter. They are looking BEAUTIFUL! See for yourself.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Little Firecracker

Adi and I like to go over to Aunt Shannon's and play "dress-up". Shannon is getting ready for the big Haubstadt Summer Fest Parade. I am so sad that I am going to miss it this year. I was really looking forward to Adi being in the parade all dressed up in her Princess Hair Bows garb! Shannon is just so talented when it comes to creating ADORABLE little girls stuff. Her bows are super cute, but she can make tons of stuff for little ones that are too cute. If any of you are interested (even my AZ friends with little ones) she has great prices and it is amazing quality!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Who Needs Toys?

I could make an endless list of all the non-toy items Adi is just dying to get her fingers on. I honestly do a pretty good job of keeping my eye on her all day long, but every once in a while I give her a little leeway (like 2 minutes) and she seems to take "great" advantage of those two minutes.

Catching up on her Parent's Magazine...

Being entertained by Cooper (this is a great one)
If I could only get Coop to stand in front of her all day.

Anyone need a tissue?
I almost cleared an entire box!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I know this is kind of weird post, but since I am basically using this blog as a scrapbook for Adi I wanted to mention this. Adi has an ABC puzzle and is obsessed with a certain letter. Can you tell what her favorite letter is?!

From Collages