Monday, June 24, 2013

Abram's "new" tricycle!

Abram has been riding Adi's pink tricycle around for weeks now.  He has claimed it as his own, and Brandon thought it was time for him to ride a non-girly bike.  Adi decided red and black would be a good boy color and she was happy to help daddy paint it for Aber.

Thanks to daddy Abe is riding in style now!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Haubstadt Sommerfest

This weekend was the annual Sommerfest.  Adison has been super excited to run like her buddy Tracy.  She asked if Tracy would run with her in her little race and luckily Tracy was happy to.  Brandon did the 5K run, but since I'm not a runner I opted for the leisure walk with a friend and the two little ones.  Bran actually did really well.  It always shocks me how fast he runs considering he doesn't run on a daily basis.  Adi was so excited to earn a metal!  Brandon and Abe came home for nap time and Adi and I went to the parade with Joyce.

Adi with her running partner
Our two little cuties
Adi was so proud of her metal!
Daddy and Abe walking around while Adi waited in lines for balloons and face painting
This girl loves getting her face painted!
After the face.
Waiting for the parade to start!
It was hotter then hot, but man did this girl enjoy running for the candy!

Friday, June 21, 2013

At the carwash!

Another item we can check off our Summer fun list!  I thought my kids would just LOVE this, but they weren't overly impressed with it.  Adi was kind of into it, but you can see what Abram did the entire time.  He thought it was amazing when his aim started getting pretty good and came dangerously close to spraying both me and the camera!  These two sure are cute little detailers!


Ok, how cute is this picture?!!!  I got a little blower at a yard sale and when Abe saw daddy blowing he quickly picked it up and joined right along.  He wants to be just like daddy!!  Love these two boys!!

I'm pretty sure I could buy two containers of grapes from Sam's club each week and that still wouldn't be enough for my little family.  It is definitely a favorite snack before bedtime around here!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Climber = Bye Bye Paci

I am proud to report that we are PACI FREE here at the Haight house hold.  Two Friday's ago (May 31st - Abe 20 months) we had just put Abe down and we're in Adi's room putting her down when Abe moseyed into Adi room with a big smile.  Brandon put him back in his bed and told him we do not climb out of the bed.  Brandon watched through the crack in the door as Abe climbed to the top, threw a leg over, and dropped to the ground.  He did it again the next day during nap time, so Brandon basically put he mattress on the ground.  I knew I HAD to get rid of the paci for good immediately.  I didn't want to deal with a big boy bed and getting rid of the paci at the same time.  It went a lot better then expected.  He cried anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for the first week, but it is gone and I am so very happy about it.

This is Abe's current sleeping arrangement   
You always liked the paci, but Japan is when you became truly addicted to it! Bye bye forever paci!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Garden Update - June 10

I've been meaning to do an update for well over a month now.  This is probably the wettest and coolest Spring/Summer since we've lived here.  The over abundance has been GREAT for the garden.  I literally haven't watered once!!

I was really bad a starting seeds this Winter so I don't have as many tomato plants this year.  You can only do so much, so I bought my tomato plants at the Master Gardener's Sale and from a local lady here in town.  Ever since children I'm not the best at pruning these guys back.
Look at those beauties!!!
I took this picture to show how high the plants were at the beginning of June.  My tomatoes on the South end always do better and I have no idea why!
The cooler weather and lots of rain has been AMAZING for the lettuce.  I have so much lettuce I have told who ever wants any should just come on over and pick it.  We've had big delicious salads every night for the last month or so!  I've been eating a lot of salads for lunch too.
We LOVE arugula in this house.  It is so easy to grow, and it just keeps on coming!
I have ten broccoli and cauliflower plants and they're doing wonderfully as well.
My cucs got bit on the last small frost, but I got them back in the next day and they're growing quickly.
I've let all the dill that has come back throughout the garden continue growing.  The more dill the better.  I never have enough fresh dill come pickling time.  One of my plants got him with about 15 nasty horn worms overnight.  Abram was happy to help me pick them and squish them (so wish I had a picture of that - he is ALL BOY).
That big beautiful bloom is exactly what we need for yummy fresh dill pickles!
I got my sugar snap peas in late, but those blooms are the start of some sweet little treats!
Adi and the sugar snappers.
My little forest of onions.
Adison LOVES flowers and has really taken the lead on all the flowers this year and gladly waters them when we're outside without any prompting from me.  Man she is getting old.  It makes my heart so happy that she likes gardening.  We did a lot of wave petunias this year.  They're close to falling over and starting to droop/vine.
The massive two beds behind the shop are always hard for me to decide on.  We have 40 begonias planted (not mulched yet).

Every year is different based on the weather.  This year has been great so far!

Friday, June 7, 2013


Home made lemon mint pops ... Adi was so proud of the fact that she made these herself (and that she got to use mint from the garden)

I LOVE summer nights.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Quiet weekend in Haubstadt

We had such a nice weekend here not doing anything terribly exciting, but enjoying the weather, each others company, and some good community fun.  The police station had a 100 year anniversary which was really nice.  I only took a few pictures, but they had a lot of nice stuff for the kids to do and the rainy weather didn't stop us.  The kids got their faces painted, they got to shoot, they saw animals from the zoo, they had a nice lunch with Dewig's meats, all-in-all a good time.  I even went and got a pedicure in the afternoon which was a great treat for me!  After church today we all took naps and lounged around and then went out to Tony and Dana's golf cart open house.  We grilled pizzas this weekend and picked delicious stuff from the garden all weekend long!  I love that this summer hasn't proven to be terribly hot yet!

Daddy daughter shooting time with the bb gun.
Doesn't Abe look adorable in his little hat?!

Happy little girl!
I bought a big thing of beads at a yard sale on Friday and I tell you what.  It was the best three dollars I have ever spent in my life.  Adi made bracelets, beaded letters, more bracelets, and then some more bracelets. :)
I really need to do a garden update with pictures (I've been bad about that this season).  The cooler weather has done wonders for my lettuces.  I have tons of lettuce, spinach, and arugula.  We have had fresh yummy salads every night for the last couple weeks!  I started picked the radishes Friday and have been using a lot of my basil and parsley.  We're waiting on the rest of it, but the daily rain has made for some very healthy plants.  :)