Thursday, April 23, 2015

Emalyn - 1 Month Old

1 month stats:Height - about 24 inches
Weight - 10 lbs 5 oz
Head Circumference - ?

Sweet little Emalyn Marie is a great little sleeper during the day like most 4 week old babies, but the night is a different story.  She not only doesn't sleep, but she screams.  Sorry baby girl, but you're a colicky little lady and it is a bit rough on mommy and daddy! I wasn't super honest with how Adi was when I go back and look at the blog, so to be frank, I'm just going to lay it out there.  Although it is pretty much etched in my brain, but we'll record it here so thirty years from now you'll know what to expect when you have a little one. ;)

Sleep:  You LOVE to be held while you sleep.  I'm doing good if I can get you to do a 3 hour stretch in the rock and play at night.  The rest of the time you are being held on my chest in the bonus room in the recliner.  During the day you are mainly sleeping in your car seat because we are on the go with your brother and sister.  I really have tried laying you in the your crib and you just won't have it.  We'll get there in a couple months. 

Milestones:  I'm super happy to report you are already smiling (well at a day shy of 5 weeks, because I am of course doing this post late).  You are our earliest smiler and I just know that this means once we get past this yucky colicky stuff you are going to be such a laid back and happy little lady! :)

Firsts:  We haven't done anything super exciting yet, but summer will be here soon and you will have many firsts before long. 

Eating:  I'm feeding you ever 2 to 3 hours during the day and you really are going pretty long at night for a 1 month old, but I am also holding you.  I finally gave up trying to lay you in something.  Sleep is just too vital to me right now to play by the rules.

 This is at the doc at your 2 week appointment
 This is Adi at 3 months exactly and you at 3 weeks exactly.  You're a little bigger then your big sis!
 Sooooo happy for your 1 month picture, this is very similar to Adi's.
 Maybe you'll be a tummy sleeper.
 Pretty and alert little pumpkin!
 There is that pretty smile!!!! That smile reminds me of Abe's as a baby!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

This Easter was so special because we had a new member of the family with us this year.  It was Emalyn's first Easter.  She was only two weeks old and pretty much slept through all the festivities.  She sure does look sweet in her little Easter headband from Jamie!  We also loved having Grammy and Grandpa here with us this year too.  It is so very nice to have them 15 minutes away!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Emalyn Marie Haight's birth story!

I'll just start by saying your birth was so very special.  I think every one of our children's births has been truly miraculous and a little glimpse into the majesty and sheer wonder of our AMAZING God! Since I was pretty sure this would be our last baby I really wanted to try and have a drug free delivery.  I had wanted to with Adison, but wasn't educated on what it took to have a natural delivery.  This time around I made sure to do my homework. 

I really can't believe I went as far over due as I did.  Every night I would say to Brandon, "Tonight is the night!"  We decided after the 41 week mark we would plan an induction.  My mom had been here since the18th to help and you still hadn't come.  I was a little nervous about being induced since I really wanted to go natural.  Typically the pitocin makes contractions so much worse, so I went in Monday morning with a very open mind.  We got there at 6:00am and did paper work and got a hep-lock in.  Dr. Lenienbach came in at 8:30am on the dot to break my water.  They started the pitocin right after they broke my water and made me sit in the bed until 9:00 to monitor me.  My nurse came in at 9:00 with an exercise ball, and I started bouncing and moving.  I was determined to get things moving quickly. 

The contractions came on quick and strong!  I was starting to get really uncomfortable after only 30 minutes.  I called and asked the nurse to come in and check me at 9:40.  I was already at 6 cm and was all the way thinned out.  I think she was pretty shocked things were progressing so quickly.  Dr. L hadn't planned to come back until after a surgery she had at noon, but my nurse called her and said she may want to stop by before her surgery.  I was heading into transition and things were getting very intense.  I labored really wonderfully for the next hour.  It was such a great experience.  I felt very emotional and connected to everything that was happening.  At 10:30 they were prepping everything for me to push and I was really scared to push.  I didn't think I was really ready to start pushing.  About 10 minutes later she was out.  It was so very cool to experience a birth with no drugs at all.

Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Emalyn Marie Haight 
8lbs 1oz
21 inches
Born at 10:46am on March 23, 2015