Thursday, May 14, 2009

29 Weeks Along

Hi everyone! I meant to post these last week, but life just gets crazy. I am officially 29 weeks along. I feel pretty good, but her movements are quite shocking at times. She is about 3 pounds now and seems to be doing great. She moves around a lot which is very reassuring that everything is going well. I have been seeing my doctor every two weeks and I guess I am measuring right where I need to be. I have been seriously craving peanut butter and watermelon, but that is about it. Bran and I get more and more excited by the day and can't wait for her arrival. I only have about 5 weeks of work left then I will be off. I have a lot I still want to get ready before she arrives. I am confident that I have plenty of time to get all these things done.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Baby Moon

We had an official mini "baby moon" this past weekend...and it was GREAT! Bran took me down to Nashville and we stayed at our favorite, Opryland Resort. We did some really fun things over the weekend. We went shopping, enjoyed all the beautiful gardens at the hotel, went to the botanical gardens, went swimming (which was a welcome relief on my back), and most importantly ate at some WONDERFUL restaurants! To be perfectly honest it just amazing spending the entire weekend with my loving husband.
I was so happy we were able to spend quality time together talking about how important it is to us to raise Adison in a Godly home. We found some good books on parenting and raising a child to be a Godly woman. There couldn't be anything more important to us, and I feel like God is truly preparing us for this next chapter in our lives. While there is a little sense of anxiousness for her to arrive; I really feel very ready for this next step. I know God will guide us through this start to our new life in so many different ways.
Hope you are all doing well and feeling excited about the coming warm summer months...I know we are!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Nice Weekend At Home


I just love weekends when we don't have any plans...and we are free to do whatever we want.
It was suppose to rain all weekend, but there hasn't been a cloud in the sky all day. I have thoroughly cleaned out 3 closets, went grocery shopping, cooked, baked, and enjoyed the beautiful weather outside. I have also been enjoying Diana Krall's new CD - check it out! Bran has been working on his tubing bender and land cruiser. Cooper has been close by me all day and has also enjoyed the great weather.
I think Bran and I are getting away next weekend! We are trying to take advantage of "all our free time" while we still can. Adison has been moving around like a crazy woman and is surely getting bigger! Her movements both amaze me and freak me out all at the same time. I can't even put into words how it feels having a 2 pound baby moving in my belly. It makes me so happy to feel her move, but it is also quite strong movements!
We hope you all are having an AMAZING weekend as well.
Be sure to enjoy all the new life that SPRING has to offer.