Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Street Rod 2014

This was our sixth year for Street Rod Nationals in Louisville!  We were blessed with terrific weather again this year!  It is such a fun weekend of really awesome hot rods, good friend, swimming, and eating out!  The kids enjoy it more and more each year and it motivates us a little more each year to get some of our projects done (ok, Brandon getting the cars finished, but it sure will be fun when the Bel Air is ready to show)!  Here are some great pictures from our weekend away!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Gigi's Visit

My mom was able to come visit for Adi's birthday for about a week and a half and we sure did enjoy it.  It was such a busy week and a half and we did so many different fun things with her while she was here.  My mom doesn't usually get to come for very long so it was a treat to get to do so much with her this time!!

Abe and Gigi
Tea Party Time

Visiting the park in Owensboro, KY

Holiday World

We loved having you Gigi and hope you get to come again soon!!! Love you!

Adi turns 5

I can not believe that Adi turned FIVE this past month.  I still look at her and think of her as my baby!  I remember when she was a sweet little baby like it was yesterday.  She is such a smart little motherly girl, who has been such a blessing to have in our family.  We love her so very much can't wait to see what this next year brings for her.  Happy Birthday to our big FIVE YEAR OLD!!


We were so excited when we found out that our friends from AZ were making a road trip out here to stay with us!  It was so nice seeing the Kent, Lisa, Allison, and Megan!  My kids loved them and were pretty sad to see them go.  Adi was sick while they were here and I was a little under the weather as well, but we sure did enjoy having our good friends out for the week!!!  We love and miss you guys and hope we get to see you soon in AZ!