Saturday, March 28, 2015

Baby Book Page 2

Mommy's labor pains began: 9:00am

and lasted:1 hour and 46 minutes

I was born at: 10:46am

and delivered by:  Dr. Leinenbach

The people who came to see me at the hospital:  Grandparents, Ms. Amanda, Morgan's - AT THE HOUSE: Lindsey, Leigha, Alyssa, Ramey's, Jamie,

My full name is:  Emalyn Marie Haight

I arrived at:  March 23, 2015 at 10:46am

My weight:  8lbs 1oz

My length:  21inches

My eye color:  blue (right now)

My hair color:  light brown

Everyone thought I looked like:  My own little person and maybe a little more like mommy.

Hand Prints:

Foot Prints:

Monday, March 23, 2015

Baby Book Page 1

The day they discovered Mommy was pregnant:  I told daddy by putting a tiny blue and pink hospital hat in a box and told him I wasn't sure which color we would need.

My due date was:  March 15, 2015

Mommy and Daddy's first reaction was:  So much joy.  We were thrilled to be adding a third precious baby to our family!

The first people they told the news to were: The grandparents and siblings

Mommy and Daddy celebrated by: Giving each other hugs and kisses

Mommy craved:  Dirt, super hot tea, raw Quaker Oats

Mommy gained:  40 pounds

Pregnant Mommy Pictures

I kept thinking I'm going to have you this week, so I took a picture every week.  You DIDN'T want to come out. :)

 37 weeks
 38 weeks
 39 weeks
 40 weeks
41 +1  INDUCTION morning