3 month stats: Height - about 24 inches 85%
Weight - 12 lbs 9 oz 73%
Head Circumference - ?
Oh my goodness we're finally here! I've been longing for the third month in the hopes this little missy might be getting a bit easier. I am happy to report we have had some improvements. She is no longer screaming for hours on end every evening. She is much easier to get to sleep which is making evenings much more enjoyable.
Sleep: You aren't screaming near as much in the evening. I guess you're still waking up every couple hours to eat. You fall asleep on the boppy and I fall asleep in the good old green rocker!
Milestones: Not really any new milestones. You are kind of wanting to roll from back to belly already!
Firsts: No new firsts.
I'm feeding you every 3 hours on average.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago