Monday, November 23, 2015

Our all American boy!

Brandon has had a side job working on making some brackets for this old Dodge.  Abe was happy to climb all over this thing, and I happily took some super cute pictures of my handsome little fella!!!

Family Pictures Fall 2015

We had some family pictures taken of our sweet little family of 5!  We had them taken in our favorite little town, New Harmony.  It had been very cool and this particular evening was HOT!  All in all we got a few cute pictures. 

Emalyn 8 months!

Height - who knows
Weight - who knows
Head Circumference - who knows

How, how in the world is this stinkin cutie pic 8 months old?  Emalyn got her 1st tooth a couple days ago, and man oh man it has been rough on everyone.  Her second one looks to be about a week behind.  This girl wants NOTHING to do with being on her belly.  I'm not sure she's ever going to crawl.  I will tell you what though, she LOVES riding along through life on her mama's hip.  Since this is the last, I'm happy to snuggle her and just let her be the precious little baby that she is. We love you so much sweet girl!!!!