Emalyn Marie Haight, you are ONE years old! I can't believe how fast this first year of your life has gone. I'll start by listing some of my favorite things about you sweet girl:
Your bright blue eye
Your cute little (5) teeth
Your mischievous little smile
Your squishy baby thighs
That you give us hugs now
How much you love your dada, Adi, and Bubba
That you still let me rock you to sleep every once in awhile
Your awesome belly laugh
And sooooooo many more!
You're finally starting to sleep through the night some evenings and are napping twice a day still, but I think we'll be down to one in the next few months. You absolutely ADORED your birthday cake! You are such a terrific eater, which is really funny considering how difficult it was to get you to eat solids! You really resisted eating anything but puréed baby food, but I think your GI issues was just making you feel really yucky! You aren't walking yet, but you're cruising a ton and will be there in no time flat! You have 5 teeth (one popped through a couple days before your birthday). You are a sweet sweet girl and we all love you so very much! We thank God everyday for blessing us with you baby!!!