Thursday, August 20, 2009

1 Month Old

Can you believe it; I am 1 month old already?! The feeding is going pretty well now, but her nights and days are definitely mixed up. We are spending the nights crying and being wide awake, but oh well. I am sure she will get the hang of things before long.

One month stats:

8 lbs 7 oz
22.5 inches
Eating every 2 hours

As you can see I am VERY happy to be 1 month old :)

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Partusch family said...

YEA, Adi you're growing like a big girl! You weigh as much as Ashley did when she was born! hahahaha

We're so glad your bottom is feeling better and have fun with your Auntie (my Auntie Holly is my favorite person to play with too!)

We love you little Angel!