Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

Our little DRAGON FLY!

More pictures on the post below!

Happy Halloween Cont.

We've had Halloween outfits all week long! :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Adi LOVES the lotion

This video isn't the greatest, but it will do. So, for the last couple weeks if you take Adi into the guest bathroom her eyes immediately go to some lotions that are sitting on the counter and she usually just squeals with joy and gives us some big smiles. I think she is hitting a point where she is becoming more impressed with looking at her cute self in the mirror, so I figured I should try to catch her smiling at the lotion before she is no longer impressed by it.
Having kids is so much fun and very entertaining.

( I can't seems to get my videos to post to my blog using the tools in here, so I posted to Youtube)

Check it out:

Monday, October 19, 2009

3 Months Old

Three month stats:

Height - 24.5 inches
Weight - about 11 lbs 6 oz
Bottle - Still refusing ... I have basically given up even trying
Sleep - I feel like we are regressing a bit; she has been going about 5 to 6 in the last week (maybe a growth spurt)
First big milestone - Rolling over from belly to back daily

Adi is just such a doll and she definitely is in charge at the Haight House. Her little personality is really starting to emerge. When she is happy she is happy, and when she's not she is NOT. She can go from crying (screaming) to smiling and giggling in a matter of seconds. She absolutely loves looking at the lotions that sit on the counter in the guest bathroom. We haven't quite figured out what is so special about it, but it is an absolute blast watching her laugh and squeal at the sight of it. Another thing she is doing is sucking on her hands (recently found her thumb). I really tried to stop her for the first week, but now I just let her do it. She won't take a pacifier, so maybe she will become a thumb sucker. It just amazes me that she is already 3 months. The time really does go by extremely fast.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Random Pics ...

Brandon and I were able to go see Jeremy Camp this
past Saturday. We had great seats and he was even
better live then I could have expected. It was really
nice to have a night away (thx Shannon).

Cooper loves Adi ... and funny thing is she is starting to
really like him. We came in from the car the other day
and I sat down her carrier and Coop came up and put
his nose in her face and she gave him a HUGE smile
(too cute).

My super fabrication fabulous husband installed a tiny
camera in my car so I can keep an eye on Adi. We bought
a cheapo mirror that was broken when we got home
from Babies R Us ... so Bran gave me a better, high tech
option. It allows me to see her on my flat screen that
is connected to the radio (thx babe :)