Three month stats:
Height - 24.5 inches
Weight - about 11 lbs 6 oz
Bottle - Still refusing ... I have basically given up even trying
Sleep - I feel like we are regressing a bit; she has been going about 5 to 6 in the last week (maybe a growth spurt)
First big milestone - Rolling over from belly to back daily
Adi is just such a doll and she definitely is in charge at the Haight House. Her little personality is really starting to emerge. When she is happy she is happy, and when she's not she is NOT. She can go from crying (screaming) to smiling and giggling in a matter of seconds. She absolutely loves looking at the lotions that sit on the counter in the guest bathroom. We haven't quite figured out what is so special about it, but it is an absolute blast watching her laugh and squeal at the sight of it. Another thing she is doing is sucking on her hands (recently found her thumb). I really tried to stop her for the first week, but now I just let her do it. She won't take a pacifier, so maybe she will become a thumb sucker. It just amazes me that she is already 3 months. The time really does go by extremely fast.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago
Adi is so cute. I can't wait to see her in two weeks. We are sorry that Daddy will be leaving, but we will really enjoy spending time with you!!
We love all of you!!
Grandma Koster
She's sooo cute! Love the new pictures! And I'm going to miss both of you when you go visit G-G, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!
Can't wait to meet Adi in person in a couple weeks! She looks so much like her Mommy in that second photo!
I miss my little Bird!!! Can't wait for you guys to come visit the STL in a few weeks!!
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