Seven month stats:
Height - 25.5 (ish) inches
Weight - 14 lbs 2 oz (7th percentile) (10 oz jump)
Head Circumference - ?
Sleep - We have been thrown out of wack in regards to sleeping since Adi has been sick. She has been getting up twice a night and as soon as her congestion is over we will be crying it out again so she is sleeping basically through the night.
Milestone - Eating solids like a champ!!!! We are eating breakfast and dinner everyday. Sitting without support. She on all fours now and does a very cute little rock/bounce. She has mastered the art of moving backwards. She can move always across the room in no time, so hopefully soon she'll learn to move in the forward position. She is talking, talking, and talking some more. She is definitely saying dada, but I don't really think she understands that she is saying it! She does know who dada, mama, and Cooper (of course) are, and we are working on waving hello and goodbye.
Bran and I saw a new pediatrician today that has a better understanding of the growth charts for breastfed babies, and thinks Adi is doing just fine. It was a relief to hear that she breastfed her babies and really does understand where we're coming from with the who bottle deal. She basically said that Adi will give up the nursing in her own time. She is definitely a child that will not do what we want her to unless she is ready. So, I am really hoping that she will be ready before she turns a year!!! She is doing so great and is changing so much. It really is so fun being her mommy!!!!
Oh "hi" you want me to sit for a nice little picture ha ... hmmm
Well what do we have here ...
That looks good enough to EAT!
Munch, munching away ...
Oh the joys of being a baby!!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
I am glad you found a pediatrician that you feel comfortable with. We just found one too. I had issues with the ones that push formula. Keep up the good work breastfeeding! And don't let them tell you that it has no nutritional value after a year. It is the best thing you can do for Adi. She is such a sweet girl!
Love the new pictures! And especially the sunshine coming in, really make the pictures look awesome. Glad to hear the good news about the doctor, Love you guys!
I miss the little bug. She looks too cute in her little outfit. When is she coming to Denver to visit her auntie?
love these pictures! they made me laugh :) she is such a cutie!
She is such a doll!!
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