Monday, January 6, 2014


The high today was below 0, so school was canceled for Adi and Abe's Kindermusik was canceled as well!  I planned for a few fun crafty things for us to do since I knew we would be stuck indoors all day!  The erupting snow was NOT a hit!  These guys just really don't like getting their hands messy.  I had heard that bubbles do really cool things when it is this cold.  When Abe went down for a nap I bundled up Adi and myself and we went outside to check out the frozen bubbles!  I'm making a warm and comforting chicken pot pie for dinner and hope Bran isn't frozen to the bone by the time he gets home!  I must say I'm already ready for Spring! :)

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Grammy said...

I see which side of the experiment Adison is on...that which does not require messy hands. LOL. The frozen bubbles look fun.