2 month stats: Height - about 24 inches 85%
Weight - 12 lbs 9 oz 73%
Head Circumference - ?
Well, we're at the two month mark! Things have maybe gotten a little easier. Within the last week you haven't screamed quite as much at night so that is a good thing. You are getting so big already and I can't wait to see what percentile you're in when I take you in today!
Sleep: You are waking up every two to three to eat. We've had a few easier nights of getting you down, but you still have a bit of a hard time getting settled at night. You have yet to sleep in your crib for even a nap. You sleep in the rock and play or the car seat. I'm really hoping your sleeping patterns will greatly improve in this next month.
Milestones: I'm super happy to
report you are already smiling (well at a day shy of 5 weeks, because I
am of course doing this post late). You are our earliest smiler and I
just know that this means once we get past this yucky colicky stuff you
are going to be such a laid back and happy little lady! :)
Firsts: We haven't done anything super exciting yet, but summer will be here soon and you will have many firsts before long.
I'm feeding you ever 2 to 3 hours during the day and you really are
going pretty long at night for a 1 month old, but I am also holding
you. I finally gave up trying to lay you in something. Sleep is just
too vital to me right now to play by the rules.
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