Monday, August 31, 2015

Emalyn 5 months

Height - 25.5 inches 86%
Weight - 15lbs 64%
Head Circumference - ?

I can't even believe we are so dangerously close to 1/2 way through your first year of life (waaaaaaaaaaa)!  You've done a lot more in the last month and we are loving your great little personality so much!

Sleep:  Daddy went to Japan half way through your fourth month and Grammy helped mommy get you in your crib.  There were a couple nights of 1 to 2 hours of crying, but you are no longer co-sleeping and that makes for a very happy mommy.  I'm getting up to feed you two or three times on average.  You go to bed at 7:00 and are up for the day about 6:00ish.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sweet little nanes!

This is Adi's nane she started using about 4 months
This is Abram's nane he stated using a little later, more like 5 months 
This last one is Emalyn's nane, and she started using hers at 4.5 months.

These nane are so very precious to me! The older two are still usin theirs and I just think it is the sweetest most cuddly thing ever. I adore that all of our kids attached to a small blanket. When someone gets a boo boo they lay their nane over it and all is well. They lie them across their faces at night, and they chew all over them (ok, that's only Emalyn, and probably only because she is 4months) but all in all they are precious and I will never get rid of them!

Emalyn 4 months

Height - 25.5 inches 86%
Weight - 15lbs 64%

Head Circumference - ?

Well, here we are at 4 months and you are just such a stinkin cutie pie! You've done a lot more in the last month and we are loving your great little personality so much!

Sleep:  Oh girl! You. Will. Not. Sleep. In. Your. Crib. And that my friend is a problem! I hold you for a lot of your naps if we're at home and we are exclusively co-sleeping with you! You have rolled over a couple times so this is becoming a problem in my book. I've got to get you in your crib! You're waking up twice to eat in the night.

Milestones:  You are smiling and laughing a ton. You love playing with your feet. You still like the paci. You have rolled from back to belly a few times. You LOVE Scout (the vtech dog).

Firsts:  You've had a lot of first this past month. You had your first 4th of July. You had your first over night trip to STL for Adi's birthday weekend celebration. You had your first dip in the pool, and really seemed to enjoy it! I think I hit them all!

Eating:  I'm feeding you every 3 hours on average.