Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Emalyn turns 7 months

Height - who knows
Weight - who knows
Head Circumference - who knows

Ok, you're a week away from 7 months so I better get this post done.  I'll try my best to make it accurate!  You have done a lot this past month or so.  You're sitting up like a big girl, but hadn't really wanted to roll over at all.  You despise being on your belly!  You laugh a lot, especially when Adi and Abe talk to you and act like precious little goof balls!  You really seem like you changed a lot between 5 and 6 months. 

Sleep:  You're going to sleep about 7:00pm and sleep until 6:30ish. I'm nursing you 2 or 3 times throughout the night. 

You are adorable and we love you to pieces!!!

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