Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas 08
Posted by Haight Happenings at 9:40 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
8 Weeks
Well this week our little one is 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch long! Eyelid folds are forming, the tip of the nose is present, ears are forming, and the heart is becoming more complex each day. I'm still not feeling the greatest but am getting better at dealing with it! We are thrilled to be going home for Christmas and can't wait to see everyone! We aren't home for very long, but we'll need to get back somewhat soon so Bran will be ready to leave for his long trip to Japan. He will be gone the entire month of January :( (he's not thrilled about it either). On a positive note, he is making GREAT progress on the Land Cruiser! Here are some hodgepodge pictures (from my pregnant belly to Bran's Cruiser). Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Posted by Haight Happenings at 5:07 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Photographic Discovery
We have been under the impression that the small black area was the baby...we were mistaken. While looking through one of my pregnancy books, Brandon found a picture of what a 7 week baby should look like; and it's not a grain of rice!!
Brandon did some editing to give a more clear picture of the baby. So, here is his or her 1st picture!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
7 Weeks and Counting!!!
Brandon and I had our first ultrasound yesterday. It was AMAZING! We have confirmed the following:
- I am 7 weeks along today
- Due date of July 31st
- He or she's heart rate was 140
- He or she is the size of a grain of rice
- Lastly, there is only one in there :)
Posted by Haight Happenings at 7:35 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Let the Blogging Begin!
All I have to say is YIPEEEE! I have been dying to start a blog and really haven't had much of a reason to start one yet. But . . . we have found out this week that WE ARE PREGNANT!! We have our first ultrasound next Thursday which will determine how far along I am. I am feeling a little sick, but nothing horrible. The excitement and anticipation are almost overwhelming, but I will be sure to enjoy every minute of this phase of my life!
On the home front, Brandon and I are very busy with our work lives and concentrate most of our efforts there. And I'm proud to report that, as a result of all Brandon's hard work, he was promoted to Assistant Manager last week. He'll be moving from his current role in Quality Engineering to Assembly with responsibility of launching our new Highlander. Oh course, he is still extremely active with garage projects, house projects, and all kinds of other things to occupy his non-work time!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 9:46 PM 2 comments