All I have to say is YIPEEEE! I have been dying to start a blog and really haven't had much of a reason to start one yet. But . . . we have found out this week that WE ARE PREGNANT!! We have our first ultrasound next Thursday which will determine how far along I am. I am feeling a little sick, but nothing horrible. The excitement and anticipation are almost overwhelming, but I will be sure to enjoy every minute of this phase of my life!
On the home front, Brandon and I are very busy with our work lives and concentrate most of our efforts there. And I'm proud to report that, as a result of all Brandon's hard work, he was promoted to Assistant Manager last week. He'll be moving from his current role in Quality Engineering to Assembly with responsibility of launching our new Highlander. Oh course, he is still extremely active with garage projects, house projects, and all kinds of other things to occupy his non-work time!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago
Hey Alison! Its Lindsey Rich. Shannon told me you were expecting and told me to check your blog out! I'm so happy and excited for you!! You'll love love love being a mommy!! Looking forward to reading the updates!
Hello girl! I can't wait to know what you are having - boy or girl? I think you will have a boy!!!
Regarding your belly... it starts growing really slow and then (almost overnight) it is so big that you will surprise yourself in the mirror. It is so fun! Enjoy this time and sleep as much as you can. Rosandrea T.
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