I figured it was about time I post some more pics. I am now 12 weeks along and can't believe I'm already a third of the way through!! There isn't a huge change in the appearance of my tummy, but there is definitely a little bump there now. Having some nights that aren't consumed with sickness is a sure sign that I will have my energy and appetite back soon. Hopefully in time for Bran's return. He is half way through is stint in the mother land :) I had a doctors appointment last Monday and it went great, and I LOVE hearing the fast little heart beat!!! Hope everyone is doing wonderful! Miss you all! ~Ali
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Hey mama; it's so cool to see a little bump appearing! You look great!
I rode my bike to Toyota-shi this past weekend and picked up 3 really cute outfits for the baby! Two of them are unisex, but the other one is a little blue car outfit (I had to buy it)!!
I also got the coolest little jacket. It looks like a carhart jacket and on the back it has a little embroidered cartoon skull with a piston & rod in it's mouth. Embroidered around it is "Piston Burners Junk Store". . .crazy Jenglish. Our baby is going to be the baddest dude/dudet on the block.
I miss you and can hardly wait to see you!! Love, Bran
Ali - you can definitely see a "bump" as you call it :) I can hardly wait to find out the gender - shopping here I go... take good care of yourself. Love, Marilyn
sissta.. you are still so little. why is it that you 3 months preggo looks like me everyday?? can't wait to find out if i'm having a new neice or nephew!!
Ahhh! I love your little belly! I enjoyed hearing the heartbeat also, thanks for letting me come. Your are the bestest!
Your belly is adorable - you look great! It was so fun to catch up last week - enjoy Brandon being back!!! Miss you and it's so fun to see your progress:)
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