THANKS Bran!!! I just wanted to share with everyone what a wonderful husband I have. Even though Bran is half way across the world he still manages to remember to send me little "I love you gifts" by having flowers delivered!!! He is now in Japan and won't be back until January 31st. I can't imagine how hard it must be staying in a foreign place where hardly anyone speaks English and being away from all your family and friends for that long! If you think of it...say a little prayer that everything goes well for him while he is over there. Bran- I love you and miss you!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Ahh, they are really pretty! He is such a good hubby and is going to make a terrific daddy! We miss him too and are praying it goes by fast for both of you!
Love, Shannon
I love you & miss you, too Ali!! Just think, I'm already 25% done with my trip. . . I'll be home in no time.
I'm glad you like your flowers! Thanks for the prayers!
P.S. It's not hard being the "best hubby" when you're married to such a great wife. I love you, Brandon
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