Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Our Sweet Little Girl!!!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
24 Weeks Along
Well I can't believe it...I have already hit the 24 month marker. I am feeling great for the most part, but I am starting to have lower back pain and just the feeling of everything getting tight and BIGGER. I think there is a drastic change between last month and this month. I feel HUGE!!! I tell you what though...feeling her squirm around in there every day makes it all worth it. I am starting to get so excited to meet her and have her here with us (although I really want her to stay in until I'm full term). Everything seems to be going well, but I go to the doctor again tomorrow so we'll see what they say. Hope everyone is doing well and we wish you all a very Happy Easter!!!!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 8:49 PM 0 comments
The Cruiser in Primer!!
Brandon has been working so hard on the Land Cruiser, and he hit a milestone this past weekend. The entire body, all doors, and hood are now in primer. He has a couple more sanding spraying process' left and before you know it he'll be ready for paint. The interior still has to be installed, but we have everything needed for that. He is hoping to take his sweet little girl home from the hospital in the newly restored "LC". Brandon has worked so hard on this project and I am so proud of what a great job he has done - I know it is going to be beautiful when it is all said and done!
The first pics shows why we can't live in a neighborhood with an HOA. :)
Posted by Haight Happenings at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thanks to all the prayers and support. Our doctors appointment went GREAT Wednesday afternoon. They were able to get some very clear shots of everything and the numbers were all normal. They are obviously still monitoring everything closely, but it appears that I am slightly abnormally "normal"!!! We are continuing to pray that everything else goes great for the remainder of the pregnancy. PHX friends and family the shower is back on - so I will be there 2 weeks from today!!! Thanks so much again for everyone's prayers and support. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends!!!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 6:03 AM 3 comments