Nine month stats:
Height - 26 inches (8th percentile)
Weight - 15 lbs (2nd percentile)
Head Circumference - ?
Sleep - Adi's sleep routine is going much better. She goes to bed at 8:00 and wakes up to nurse at about 5 or 5:30 ish. She goes right back to sleep and wakes up for the day at 7:30. I am really happy with this. I know I still need to get her sleeping completely through the night, but I figure when I wean her from nursing to her cup completely I will drop the 5:30 feeding then.
Milestone - A big accomplishment for Adi is that she is now drinking from a sippy cup. She does great with it, and we have just recently started giving her Enfagrow at meal times to try and boost her weight a bit. She LOVES it and drinks the entire cup! She is crawling all over the house of course and likes to pull up to her knees but doesn't have a lot of interest in going all the way up to her feet. We can stand her up against her toy chest and she will cruise a little, but not too much yet. She says mama, dada, and bob (we keep asking her who Bob is) a lot.
Brandon and I are just loving this stage. She is such a wild little girl who really is happy most of the time. She is just not a cuddler and that makes me a little sad, but she is who she is. She growing wonderfully and is happy as can be; what more could we ask for!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
she is just precious! :)
I'm missing her! haven't seen her in a few days! See you guys soon and hope you're both feeling better
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