This year was definitely a memorable Christmas. Brandon and I were both VERY sick yesterday. Adi was on the tail end of the stomach virus, but daddy and I weren't so lucky. It was very sad to me for it to be the three of us and for mommy and daddy to be so sick. We just decided to make our Christmas on the 26th this year. Here are a few pictures from the past three days. We hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and truly embraced the reason for the season. Our Lord, Christ, and Savior!!!
Daddy has really needed this size tool box for some time now. I am so happy Santa decided to get it for him this year. Adi thought it was pretty cool too.
Heading off to Christmas eve service. This is before all the serious sickness began.
There is really only one shot from Christmas morning. We were lucky to get the gifts unwrapped.
Christmas with the Morgan's. They always include us and make us feel so part of the family. We are blessed to have such great friends.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago
So happy you guys were well enough to celebrate a day late. :) Looks like you had a great Christmas with family and friends!
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