Lindsey and I got together today with the kids and made Christmas cookies. It was fun and messy!! My cut out cookies didn't turn out so great, but Lindsey's chocolate crinkles are delicious! Here are the girls enjoying the fruits of our labor... I'll let Lindsey post the picture of our mess!!
*** From yesterday ***Like normal Adi's going through an "I love books" phase again. It seems like so much of what we do and she likes goes through little phases of being interested in it and not so much. Right now, if it were up to her we would sit down ALL day and read!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
4 days ago
We had a great time! Yes it was a bit crazy but it was fun. And you are being to hard on your cookies, they are good! Nate says he liked the pink (aka red) Icing better than the green. haha
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