2 month stats:
Height - 23.5 inches (71st percentile)
Weight - 12 lbs 10 oz (75th percentile)
Sleep - I am laying him down about 7:00pm in his crib for bed. He stays swaddled up until about 12:30am for his first night feeding. Then I am up every 3 hours until the morning. After his 7:00 - 12:30 stretch he is sleeping in the swing (not being swung). He is doing pretty well if you ask me. Would I love it if he was going a 7-8 hour stretch - YES. But, at the same time I know this time goes so quickly so I am really trying to cherish those sweet moments in the middle of the night with just the two of us in his rocking chair!
Eating - He basically eats every two hours during the day and you can see above what he is doing through the night. I have had a lot of trouble this time with mastitis. I actually have it right now for the second time. It makes you VERY sick and seems like it is a bit of a difficult thing to really kick. I am hoping this is my last bout of it. I never had it at all with Adison, so it seems a bit strange that I am having so much trouble.
Milestone - He is really starting to coo. I just love it when they start making all those sweet little noises. He is also kicking up a storm. It won't be too long before he is rolling over.
Firsts - Halloween - he was a cute little bear!
Here are some cute little pictures of our little man at 2 months! We love you to piece Abram!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Such a sweet boy!!
He is SO gorgeous. Happy 2 months, sweet boy! <3
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