A button up the nose - that's right Adi shoved a button up her nose and almost gave her mother a heart attack. I put her down for her nap, and after about 5 minutes she was crying a little bit and fussing. I forgot to give her a sip of water, so I figured I would just run in there quick and give her her drink so she could fall asleep. When I got in there she became hysterical and said, "button in my nose." I flipped the light on and could see the little button way up there. I tried with my finger and couldn't get it out. A quick call to Lindsey - and she was over in minutes (THANK YOU). I was afraid she was going to suck it up there even further. As Lindsey was walking in the door I finally just laid her down and went at it with a tweezers. After a little digging it was out. She was pretty shook up, but all is well. Brandon hasn't even been gone 24 hours and the chaos has already begun. Needless to say, Adi won't be playing with buttons anymore. These crazy kids just can't resist sticking them in there nose, mouth, and wherever else. :)
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
I hear ya...why do kids like to do it I have no idea. One of mine attempted to try with a small lego once. Glad Adi is ok :)
So, I guess I should take Japanese buttons off my shopping list for Adi? LOL!
Love you guys! See you in 13 days, Bran
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