Sunday, February 17, 2013

Painting Parties

We did a lot of painting this weekend.  It was a fairly low-key weekend for us so we decided to mix it up a bit by painting.  Abram doesn't last very long in the highchair unless there is a good amount of food on that tray. He decided to give the paint a little taste, but was sadly disappointed.  Adi has been a lot more interested in painting, coloring, and art projects in general.  She seems to go through phases, but her attention to detail and improved fine motor skills reminds me she getting older and older. 

Bath time painting was something I had done a lot with Adi, but not as much with the two of them.  These guys had a BLAST.  We'll be having paint night in the tub once a week now! :)

Paint on!  :)

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Leigha said...

We just tried bath paint in the tub the other was a big hit here too!