Monday, April 1, 2013

NY - Day 2

Brandon had the auto show on Wednesday so the kids and I definitely decided to lay low.  It wasn't open to the public until Friday, so we just spent the afternoon at Central Park when Brandon finished and ate dinner at Carnegie Deli.  Abram had a tough time eating out with being so out of wack, so this was our last meal out.  :)

The kids were impressed with their daddy's snazzy attire!
Brandon at the official unveiling.
This boy LOVES swinging.
The kids loved  playing on the massive concrete playground!
Our sweet boy!
It was great when the sun was out!!
Dinner at the famous Carnegie Deli!
This might be a little bad, but I seriously thought about doing an entire blog post on my disheveled little man.  There are quite a few pictures were my little guy looks like a crazy little thing.  Brandon said maybe he was inspired by some of the more grungy fashion he saw while in NY.

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