1 month stats:Height - about 24 inches
Weight - 10 lbs 5 oz
Head Circumference - ?
Sweet little Emalyn Marie is a great little sleeper during the day like most 4 week old babies, but the night is a different story. She not only doesn't sleep, but she screams. Sorry baby girl, but you're a colicky little lady and it is a bit rough on mommy and daddy! I wasn't super honest with how Adi was when I go back and look at the blog, so to be frank, I'm just going to lay it out there. Although it is pretty much etched in my brain, but we'll record it here so thirty years from now you'll know what to expect when you have a little one. ;)
Sleep: You LOVE to be held while you sleep. I'm doing good if I can get you to do a 3 hour stretch in the rock and play at night. The rest of the time you are being held on my chest in the bonus room in the recliner. During the day you are mainly sleeping in your car seat because we are on the go with your brother and sister. I really have tried laying you in the your crib and you just won't have it. We'll get there in a couple months.
Milestones: I'm super happy to report you are already smiling (well at a day shy of 5 weeks, because I am of course doing this post late). You are our earliest smiler and I just know that this means once we get past this yucky colicky stuff you are going to be such a laid back and happy little lady! :)
Firsts: We haven't done anything super exciting yet, but summer will be here soon and you will have many firsts before long.
Eating: I'm feeding you ever 2 to 3 hours during the day and you really are going pretty long at night for a 1 month old, but I am also holding you. I finally gave up trying to lay you in something. Sleep is just too vital to me right now to play by the rules.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Love you sweet Emalyn!!
She is precious! It's pretty amazing how different she looks from her sister and brother. Can't wait to meet her!
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