I just love weekends when we don't have any plans...and we are free to do whatever we want.
It was suppose to rain all weekend, but there hasn't been a cloud in the sky all day. I have thoroughly cleaned out 3 closets, went grocery shopping, cooked, baked, and enjoyed the beautiful weather outside. I have also been enjoying Diana Krall's new CD - check it out! Bran has been working on his tubing bender and land cruiser. Cooper has been close by me all day and has also enjoyed the great weather.
I think Bran and I are getting away next weekend! We are trying to take advantage of "all our free time" while we still can. Adison has been moving around like a crazy woman and is surely getting bigger! Her movements both amaze me and freak me out all at the same time. I can't even put into words how it feels having a 2 pound baby moving in my belly. It makes me so happy to feel her move, but it is also quite strong movements!
We hope you all are having an AMAZING weekend as well.
Be sure to enjoy all the new life that SPRING has to offer.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
ahhh I miss Mr Cooper! I'm sure he LOVES some lovin time w/ his mamma!
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