My most recent obsession/craving has been these Pure Fruit Popcicles. I am of course still on my WATERMELON kick, but with as hot as it has been here lately these do the trick and they are very tasty. I am officially off work now and have a lot to do in the next couple weeks. I am trying to priorities what to do first. At my doctors appointment on Monday she said that things are already progressing and has suggested that we strip my membranes (natural way to enduce) on 7/17...that is if I don't go on my own before then. I have been having a decent amount of contractions and I can tell that we are getting very close! Hope everyone is doing well!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago
I came upon your blog back towards the beginning of your pregnancy. I myself was pregnant at the time. My little princess is 12 weeks old now. I am back at work presently:( and just thought I would check in on you to see how you and your little one were doing. So happy to hear that you are all doing so well! You are so tiny! Just wait, you will get much bigger in the coming weeks! It must be so hot!!!How nice that you are home now, and can prepare to welcome your little miracle home! Isn't pregnancy wonderful, I miss being pregnant terribly! Just wait till you have your little pumpkin, you will be so happy to have her, but you will miss feeling her move inside of you, and miss her being so very close! I can't wait to have another one. We were blessed with a very, very good baby! God bless you all! I know she will be beautiful, and perfect in every way! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Lindsay Garrett
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