My mom, Marilyn, and Barbara all were in town this weekend for my baby shower! It was so nice to have family here with me to share in my special day. My shower was mainly work people and some other close friends I have here in Indiana. My best friend Shannon and sister, Kelly did tons of specials things to make this shower such a hit. I am so blessed to have you as a friend and sister - THANK YOU.It was a fun-filled weekend, but I will admit it was exhausting for me. Bran was such a trooper too...he spent more then two days this (long) weekend shopping with us. We shopped, ate, and just hung out. I am so happy I was able to spend such wonderful quality time with the people I love before our life gets crazy busy.Thanks to everyone that helped, came, and showered us with lovely gifts. Adison is quite the lucky girl!!!
You are more than welcome! You deserve the world, and so does Adi! Hey could you add my website to your favorites list Shannon
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You are more than welcome! You deserve the world, and so does Adi!
Hey could you add my website to your favorites list
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