I have wanted to have a garden since we moved to the Midwest, but I just haven't had time. Brandon has spent part of the weekend getting the ground ready and planning for our raised boxes so we can have a plentiful garden in the spring!!! Bran and my dad are going to work on building the boxes when my parents come out in a couple weeks and I am trying to research when to start all the veggies and how to start a garden. It is going to be fairly big, so we will be eating well come Spring/Summer.
I have also always wanted to have a garden once we have kids so they have a good understanding of where our food comes from and starting healthy eating habits at a young age! We know that Adi and her other siblings will enjoy helping mommy in the garden!
All the lumber for the beds!
Bran working hard!
The plot is ready!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
I can't believe thats your back yard!!! Wow. :)
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