It's been a little while since I have posted. We are all doing well. I am so excited that Brandon has a 5 day weekend! The three of us went out to breakfast this morning which was really nice (Adi slept!). Shannon is going to watch Adi tonight so Bran and I can go out to eat (I'm very excited about that). I think the three of us are going to take a little road trip to New Harmony this weekend. It is only about a half hour from our house and will be a nice place for us to go and just walk around with Adi on a nice day.
Adi is doing great. I am only getting up twice in the middle of the night; which really isn't too bad. I think she is starting to better understand the difference between night and day. She is awake and alert a lot more during the day and goes right back to sleep after I feed her in the middle of the night. She is starting to smile now as well, but I haven't managed to catch one with the camera yet. We hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend!!! Here are a few pictures for you to check out.
Cooper and Adi hanging out. He has become
her little protector. He is the first in her room
when she starts to cry. This isn't so helpful
if Bran and I have decided to let her cry it out.
Bright eyed and bushy tailed
SUPER ADI to the rescue :)
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Grandma Koster (Gigi) can't wait to see sweet little Adi. The garden pictures look great. Lets put Grandpa Randy to work on a new project!!
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