Four month stats:
Height - 24.5 inches (52nd percentile)
Weight - 12 lbs 8 oz (26th percentile)
Head Circumference - 40.5 CM (38th percentile) MANY people comment on her nice round head :)
Bottle - Given up even trying: My new hope is that she will take a sippy at 6 months
Sleep - Waking up sporadically through the night ... tonight will be the start of our CIO (crying it out). The doctor and many others have reassured me that it will be a rough week, but after that we will be very happy we did it. Lets hope next months post says "sleeping through the night"
Milestone - Rolling over both ways daily
I can't even began to tell you what a sweet and wild girl Adi is. We just love her to pieces! Even though the nights have been a little rough her sweet and playful demeanor during the day makes it all worth it. She has been awake more, more interested in her toys, and is really starting to grab for toys and put them in her mouth. She LOVES peek-a-boo. When you do it with her she just laughs and laughs ... it is the cutest thing ever. My goals is to get a video of it when Bran gets back this weekend. I can't believe how much she grows and changes from month to month. I hope you enjoy these sweet pictures of her!!! (I'll be posting pics from our AZ trip this weekend)
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago
Adi is SO cute! We had the best time with you two visiting over the past few weeks...miss you already! Little miss Adi's stats look great! Good luck with CIO...she'll be sleeping through the night in no time!
Cute! love the pictures
She is so beautiful. The outfit fits nice - even the booties :)
i'm loving this outfit!!! Roo Roo looks too cute in it!!
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