It has been RIDICULOUSLY hot and humid here. We haven't been able to go outside at all. Especially with Adi being so sensitive to getting diaper rash. I ran to just a few places on Friday, and I think from getting Adi in and out of the hot car - we had diaper rash by the evening. Today was a little big cooler so I pulled her water table into the shade and I let her loose. By the time we were finished she was grassy, muddy, and ready for a nap! :)
(By the way - she has a bow on because I am sick of people caller her a boy! She has one little sweet curl on the back of her head - aka: rat tail as dad has dubbed it. She was called a boy twice at the store today. It is even when she has dresses on - HELLO PEOPLE)
Too much SOBE - I'm water logged (jk - she only drinks water)
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Maybe she should get her ears pierced! :)
I don't understand why people don't observe the child before they refer to her as a he or she. if she's wear pink polka dots I'm going to hope she's a girl!! haha
I agree w/ Shannon!! Get her ears pierced!
If someone mistakes her for a boy they are either blind or stupid and there is no cure for either of those conditions :) The hair will come and pierced ears in today's society are readily accepted on either sex!! :)
My goodness she is so precious in those pictures! If people are too stupid to realize she is a beautiful little girl, then they shouldn't have opened their mouths in the first place!
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