12 Month Stats:
Height - 28.5 inches (25th percentile)Weight - 18 lbs 3 oz (7th percentile) YIPPEEE she's back on the charts!
Sleep - This will be my last update for sleeping. She has been a great little sleeper lately. There has been a lot of traveling this past month with Bran in Japan, and she has adjusted wonderfully. She is basically sleeping for 12 hours a night. Her bed time is quite a bit later, but I just can't seem to adjust it any earlier.
Milestone - She is WALKING! While this is very exciting for her and us - my life just a got a lot crazier now that she can run away from me (which she thinks is hilarious). She is understanding and interacting more and more each day. She knows what sounds the cat, dog, owl, cow, and train say - and can tell us. A favorite word of hers lately has been "baby". She has been really into owls and is starting to really enjoy reading. She doesn't always sit still, but I know she is listening and enjoying them which makes me so happy. Another break through - WE FIGURED OUT WHO BOB IS - it's Cooper. I have been saying Cooper-dog for months; in the hopes that she would
Her two week birthday celebration was wonderful. We were fortunate enough to spend it with both sets of our parents and great friends. Adi had a great day and did so well at the party. She really is becoming such a big girl and it is such a blast.

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she is just to cute!! i love her 1 year pictures :) What a sweet girl. Can't wait for our thursday play dates to finally start back up!!
What a cutie and I can't believe she is 1 already. It really is funny when they learn to run from you...I remember the boys doing that very well. Love the pictures..take care :)
She is getting so big Alison! Congrats on the walking. Reegan started walking 2 weeks ago and it is so funny to watch her. She thinks she is hot stuff. You are definitely right, life got crazy and they think it is hilarious!
Reegan says Bob all the time as well. We jokingly say she is calling Zeb Bob and I think it stuck because she refuses to say dada. But we, like you, talk about our dogs so maybe Reegan is like Adi and calling the dogs Bob. I love checking your post and seeing Adi grow.
Hope all is well!
Jen Clutter
Got your pictures in the mail the other day! Thanks! She looks so cute in all of them! We love the little tu-tu skirt! We put her picture on the fridge so we see it everyday! :)
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