Friday, August 13, 2010

Please eat your veggies

We have definitely entered the world of having a toddler. Adi hasn't been eating very much for dinner, so I am trying to sneak in veggies wherever I can. I woke up early and made these cute little frittatas with one of Adi's favorite veggies in it - zucchini! As you can see from the pictures below if it is not a "bread" item she wants nothing to do with it!

Now don't these look yummy...

This does not look like bread...


Oh I see some waffles coming...

Now that's what I call breakfast!

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Pat said...

If that isn't Adi in a nutshell!!
The girl knows how to get what she wants!!!

Lindsey said...

I love the captions!! And I to love waffles, can't argue with her on that one!