Well, the time is flying by. This sweet little boy is already five months, and I am over half way through the pregnancy - YIKES! I am now onto my 4th sinus infection. This little boy is reeking havoc on my sinus cavity. I honestly think I am going to have to deal with a sinus infection until he is born. He has been moving a ton which is GREAT. As soon as I am onto my second bite of something he is moving around, maybe he'll be a good little eater! He has been moving a lot at bed time and right when I get up. My stomach is growing, growing, growing. I am definitely much wider this time. I have heard that you get wider with boys - either way it is definitely true for me. I have been liking to eat a lot of salads and root beer! We are still not 100% on a name, but I think we are pretty sure one one. I'll let you know when we have officially decided on his name.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Ali adorable as always! :) Super excited for this little guy to enter the family!
LOVE YOU ALL and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
Stay healthy and strong! :)
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