This picture says it all! This little guy is such a happy baby. We are enjoying this sweet little guy so much! He had his first doctors appointment on Friday and is doing great. He had already gained 8 oz. I am feeding him every two hours during the day which is well worth it since he is going four hour stretches for me at night! So far he is a great eater, sleeper, and just so darn lovable!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Oh my word! He is PRECIOUS! <3
Stinkin' adorable!
LOVE HIM! He looks more like Adi in this picture! I need to come see him soon! Miss you guys!
oh my goodness!! look at that smile!! I'd say he's enjoying his new home and family! cant' wait to get my hands on him!
He is absolutely adorable! Congrats :)
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