Thursday, September 15, 2011

Apple Pickin

We decided to go do a little apple picking today! It was the perfect fall morning. Abe and I hung back in the car while Gigi and Adi picked some delicious looking apples quickly! Everyone is doing great here and Abe has been just such a joy to have in our family. I'm looking forward to more Fall festivities! I LOVE FALL!

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Kelly Koster said...

Looks like you guys are having fun! Wish I was there to partake in the Fall Festivies! Miss you all.

Lindsey said...

Cute pictures! Adi looks like she's enjoying her apple!

Jennifer said...

Aaahhh...tell me you are all not wearing long sleeves already! How I miss the feeling of cool, autumn air! Thank you for sharing. Cute photos, glad you have your mom there to help. XOXO