Literally - we've all been sick for a week now and honestly, I am a little tired! I'll just start by saying a huge THANK YOU to my parents for helping me out this weekend. I had big plans for us to go to Santa Claus, Indiana for Christmas festivities, Christmas shopping, going out to eat, and our towns Christmas tree lighting and parade. Instead, we read books, did puzzles, ordered out, and watched it rain all weekend (therefore, no tree lighting or parade).
The winter is a hard time of year. It just seems like everyone is getting sick, and our time we used to always spend outside has come to an end. I am beyond excited for Brandon to get home from Japan on Saturday. I think that having two sick kids wouldn't be so terribly bad, but me being sick on top of it makes it pretty tough (I don't even have enough space to list all my ailments these days :)
My parents were also kind enough to go out and rip out my garden for me before the rain began. I have been thinking that it is just going to be way to overwhelming to start seeds in the garage next month and start thinking about my spring/summer crop but NO. I am doing it. I think the work will be good for me, and it is very rewarding watch those little sprouts become a plentiful harvest later in the year. Just writing about it makes me excited to go out there and get my hands dirty!!!
Well, needless to say our week has been pretty uneventful, but here are some pictures (finally) for you Brandon. We miss and love you. I can't wait to see you Saturday!!!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago
Totally agree this weather stinks! I for see year passes to the Children's museum in our near future!! Once a week visits? I think so! :)
Kids sure do look adorable!
I'm so sorry you guys aren't feeling well, can hardly wait to get home.
Love you, Bran
I am so curious about your gardening! I am clueless in that area and would love to know more! <3
And also, I'm so glad your hubby is coming home soon! I used to have to be away from Hank for months at a time while he was on tour with his band and it was SO hard. I cannot imagine it with two babies. You are super woman!
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