Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Abram is 6 months!

Height - 27 inches (67th percentile)
Weight - 15 lbs 13 oz (17th percentile) - if he is in the 33rd I can't imagine what a baby in the 99th looks like!

Sleep - We've had a break through this past month. We put him on acid reflux medicine about 3 weeks ago and it has changed our lives!!! I am laying him down about 7:o0 or 7:30pm in his crib for bed. He is only waking up once to eat (around 2:30) and is up for the day at about 6:00am. I also weened him from the swaddle sack this past month. I tried a couple different things, but what eventually worked was starting with one arm out and slowly moving to both and then I took the sack away all together after about a week and a half.

Eating - We also started feeding him solids this past month. He LOVES fruit, but isn't a big fan of the veggies. I think it is pretty funny that he doesn't like veggies because I ate at least two salads a day when I was pregnant with him (it was my number one craving). These are all the solids he has tried so far:
apples - love them
peas - hates them
mangos - love them
green beans - tolerates them
pears - like them
bananas - likes them
prunes - likes them
carrots - likes them
spinach - love them

He has been having some pooping problems which kind of surprises me. I've stopped all oatmeal and rice cereal and I still had to give him a suppository last night. I was a little scared to give it to him, but after multiple feedings of prunes and pears, along with prune juice I had to help the poor little guy out. I nurse him about every three hours during the day and have started a sippy with water, so I'm not sure what else I can do. I am hoping he doesn't have any more trouble.

Milestone - He just took his first two plane rides and did great. I'm so happy my kids are good little fliers. We are in Denver visiting my sister, Ryan, and their new baby, Sophia. He also had his first bout of pink eye. It was seriously the gift that keeps on giving at our house this past month, but I am pretty sure it has finally come to an end! This sweet little guy is really trying to crawl. I can't even believe that I am already seeing those first stages of crawling, he just seems too young. :( He has also entered the world of crying for anyone that holds him unless it is mom or dad. He is becoming so interactive and is such a joy to have in our family!!!

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Leigha said...

Oh my goodness..I LOVE that hat and the rolls on his legs!!! And I love that he has a Sophie! :)
Goodness, I can't believe he is already 6 months.
The ONLY thing that has worked for Madeleine's constipation is making sure she gets pears, peaches, or prunes at least every other day, if not every day! If I forget to do that we are in trouble! :)

Kelly Koster said...

Abey is such a cute little guy. Makes me sad you guys live so far.. :( Sophie wants to hang out with her cousins!