We had a busy Easter weekend. We did a lot of egg hunting, eating, hanging out as a family, and most importantly - celebrated the fact that JESUS LIVES! The weather was wonderful and it was really nice that Brandon had a four day weekend. We're so thankful for the time together and for the amazing news that Easter brings.
Saturday we went to our church's Easter egg hunt. Adi wasn't all that into it, but there were tons of kids, so I think it may have been a bit overwhelming. We just adore our church family!!!
Easter morning!
Our sweet babies!!
Easter morning
Adi got a lot of gardening items - she is in love with the gloves!
Adi had a great time hunting eggs. She took her time and opened each egg as she found them. Needless to say she hunted eggs for quite some time.
What a wonderful Easter - so happy He is risen!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
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