Well, it isn't too long now and our adventure will begin. A fourteen hour flight and an extended amount of time in Japan will be all kinds of amazing and crazy I'm sure. This is Brandon's final "long" trip for the project he is on (or so they say - you never really know for sure with Toyota). So instead of being apart yet again we decided we would all go to Japan. We are staying in an apartment outside of Nagoya and have weekend/exploration trips planned for almost every weekend we are there. Brandon will be working all week, so I am prepared to get out there and figure out the train system so the kids and I can have fun while Brandon is at work. Luckily we have a lot of resources, between friends of our that live over there, the many trips Brandon has taken, and Japanese natives to guide us, I have a pretty good list of activities for us to do!
I'll definitely be posting pictures while we're over there. We are so fortunate to have such great neighbors who are willing to stay at our house while we are gone. We are also going to take advantage of the time away by having a sun room put on (I'm pretty sure) and our roof done.
I don't have much more time here to do some MAJOR packing for the four of us!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
We are all going to miss you! I know you will have a great time though!
Not sure I'm ready for this trip! haha What am I going to do for 9 weeks? :) You'll have a great time, and I'm sure some amazing family memories will be made!!
Have fun! Zeb has asked me multiple times if I would move for a year assignment because he loved it over there.
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