Friday, July 6, 2012

Tomatos & Life

Adi and I took a little break from being held prisoners in our house this morning and went out and picked tomatoes while Abe went down for his first nap.  It was already crazy hot out there at 7:30 this morning!  Adison begs to go out in the garden to pick these sweet little things.  She even tells me it is no problem for her to go out there while I stay in here and hold Abe.  It makes me so happy that she enjoys the garden as much as I do.  I have an abundance of cherry tomatoes this year, and despite the lack of rain they are doing pretty well this year!
Our poor little man got sick AGAIN.  Yet another virus floating around at the Haight house hold.  I have started to wonder if there is something I am doing or not doing to make him get sick so much.  I then thought maybe there is something wrong with him.  It just doesn't seem normal to me that a baby can seriously be sick more then well for the last 10 months of his life.  The doctor we saw reassured me that it is completely normal, and that some babies just get sick more often then other babies do.  I guess the only up side is that he should be building up some pretty good immunity.  Now just praying that he stays well and that the rest of the house doesn't get it!

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