I decided we all needed to get out of the house this afternoon. I know it is cold outside, but I bundled these cute little kids up and headed to the post office. I figured if our grandparents used to walk 10 miles, up hill, in the snow, to school, a quick walk into town wouldn't be so bad.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Baby it's cold outside...
Posted by Haight Happenings at 3:18 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 23, 2012
Hawaii 2012
We ended our Japanese adventure with a very relaxing stay in Hawaii! We had been to Oahu before and I was happy, because dragging the kids around to see the sites wouldn't have been so fun for them. They did thoroughly enjoy swimming! It was so nice spending time together as a family and just truly enjoying each others company!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 9:15 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Adison - (looking up at the stars) All these beautiful stars just make me miss Cooper!
Me - You are just the sweetest thing around - what do you mean?
Adison - When I get up into Heaven he is going to be there, and I can't wait to see him. He's just up there waiting on one of those stars.
Now if that doesn't make your heart just melt, I'm not sure what would!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 5, 2012
"Toyoda" Museum
I'm so happy we were able to go to the Toyota Museum in Nagoya. The museum was HUGE and gave a thorough history on Toyota. I couldn't believe how big the section on their loom's were. A lot of people don't know that Toyota started out as a loom business and then moved into the automotive field from there. There was a lot of interaction, and it was fun to see some of the oldest looms and the new state of the art looms in operation.
Posted by Haight Happenings at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Halloween - Japanese style!
We spent Halloween in Japan. Adison talked about Halloween for months after October last year and was really looking forward to dressing up as Minnie Mouse. It was sad that she was going to miss it, so we got a little taste of Halloween in Japan.
Small to average size pumpkins start at 30 dollars in Japan, so I decided we wouldn't be carving one! Instead, when my dad was here we found a cute little pumpkin for Adi to decorate. She had a blast with this little guy. This was only phase one of Mr. Pumpkin. I'm pretty sure she changed his stickers daily and enjoyed every minute of it.
Posted by Haight Happenings at 5:27 PM 1 comments
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